Congress Manifestos – 2004 to 2014: A comparative analysis


By Abu Zafar, India Tomorrow,
New Delhi, 11 April 2014: In an election season when every political party usually promises a lot to woo voters to capture power, but going through the manifesto of Congress party, released in the last week of March, one finds not much new being promised by the ruling party. In fact, there are lots of repetitions from its own manifesto of 2009 and 2004 General Elections.

While releasing the party manifesto for 2014 General Elections, Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi said that UPA has delivered 90 per cent of the promises it made in the 2009 General Election manifesto and claimed that this manifesto is a result of five months exercise of going to common people to know their demands.

India’s main opposition the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) termed Congress manifesto as ‘document of deceit’ and said that it shows lack of seriousness and insult of people of the country.

One may not agree with the comment of BJP but it is true that all works done by the present government in last 10 years is far lesser than what common Indian expected and was promised to them during previous elections. At several places in 2014 manifesto the promise is same as it was in 2004 and in 2009 manifestos and at several places new phrases and different language has been used but sense is very similar to previous manifestos.

Since 2009 total 10 laws were enacted by the parliament which were promised by the Congress in earlier manifestos but most of them were tabled in parliament after passing half of the term of the government which clearly shows that these were an election stunt by the Congress.

In 2004 manifesto, Congress promised “well-being and welfare of all workers in the unorganized sector”. In 2008 The Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Act, 2008 was created and the 2014 manifesto says ‘The Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Act, 2008 will be implemented in letter and spirit’.

2014 manifesto also promises to ‘set up a commission to explore the possibility of bringing all labour laws under one comprehensive law’ and to bring all migrant labours under the Aadhaar programme within one year.
In 2004 manifesto the Congress promised a law to give legal sanction to vendors across the country and after almost 10 years Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Bill was passed in 2014 only.

In 2004 it was promised to provide health insurance for families living below poverty line but after five years the 2009 manifesto said “The Indian National Congress pledges that every family living below the poverty line will be covered by the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana over the next three years.” As 2009 manifesto promised it should be done till 2012 but even today there are lots of BPL families who don’t have access to any scheme and even don’t know about it.

The 2009 manifesto says “We will guarantee health security for all. The National Rural Health Mission has already begun to make a noticeable impact and will be implemented with an even greater sense of urgency.”

And 2014 manifesto has the same promise in different tone.

“The Congress will bring Right to Health and ensure everybody has access to quality healthcare.”

One should notice that since last 10 years the health sector has grown as health industry and five-star culture has emerged in the health industry but there is no word to stop or regularize it in any manifesto.

Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
In all three manifestos it has been promised to empower dalit and adivasi communities. It was promised in 2004 manifesto that “Congress will create a national consensus on the issue of dalits and adivasis getting a reasonable share of jobs in the private sector.”

In 2009 manifesto:
“The Indian National Congress is deeply committed to pursuing affirmative action for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in the private sector.”
In 2014 manifesto:
“Committed to creating a national consensus on affirmative action for SC’s and ST’s in the private sector.”

Apart from that in 2014 manifesto it is promised that Navodaya Vidyalaya type schools will be established for weaker sections in every block of country and assurance to pass the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Amendment Bill, 2013 and to develop a National Action Plan for the development of SC’s, ST’s and OBC’s.

Women/ Children
After gang-rape incident in Delhi in December 2012 a law was created by the parliament. In 2014 manifesto Congress promised to establish fast-track courts to address crimes against women and in all police stations 25 per cent staffer will be women.

In 2014 manifesto Women’s Reservation Bill is given top priority but it was promised in 2004 and 2009 manifestos as well.

In 2014 along with land rights for women and increasing number of girl’s hostel, it is also promise to ‘work with women’s Self-Help-Groups for distribution of free sanitary napkins for adolescents.’

BJP and some fascist outfits usually blame Congress for appeasing Muslims but going through all these three manifestos one could have a better understanding of what actually being done with Muslims on the ground.

In 2004 Congress had promised to “enact a comprehensive law on social violence in all its forms and manifestations, providing for investigations by a central agency, prosecution by Special Courts and payment of uniform compensation for loss of life, honour and property.”

In 2009 the same was promised in different way and the 2014 manifesto says “We will prioritize the passing of the Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (Access to Justice and Reparations) Bill, 2013.

Congress is doing this promise after promise for anti-riot law despite the fact that communal riots have continued to be engineered and executed most often for political purposes. Between 2004 and 2014, several big communal riots have happened in different parts of the country including Dhule riot of Maharashtra, Bodoland riot of Assam and Muzaffarnagar riot of Uttar Pradesh.

Congress blames opposition for not letting it pass the bill but several groups have raised serious question on the intention of the Congress by introducing it in Rajya Sabha at the last session of parliament rather than Lok Sabha where Congress has majority in number.

After 2004 election Sachar Committee was set up to look into the socio-economic condition of Muslims. In November 2006 the committee submitted its report to the Prime Minister of India. Since then the recommendations of the committee are being implemented. It was promised in 2009 manifesto and the 2014 manifesto also ‘ensure every single Sachar Committee recommendation is reviewed and implemented’.

Reservation for Muslims is one of major demands from the community.
In 2004 it was promised that “The Congress is committed to adopting this policy for socially and educationally backward sections among Muslims and other religious minorities on a national scale. The Congress also pledges to extend reservations for the economically deprived persons belonging to communities that are at present not entitled to such reservations.”

And 2014 manifesto says;
“Legislation to address the condition of backward minorities by providing them reservation in education institutes and government jobs.”

It is good that the The Wakf (Amendment) Bill, 2010 was passed and after that National Waqf Development Corporation Limited was created by the government but it was done a few months before general election.
In 2009 it was also promised to set up a National Unani University but still nothing has happened so far and in 2014 manifesto it is not mentioned at all.

Rural development and Panchayat Raj
It is said that villages are identity of the country where most of Indian reside but after all this there are very low progress in rural areas.

In 2004 it was promised that The Gram Sabha will be empowered to emerge as the foundation of the panchayati raj system.

Parliament enacted Gram Nyayalayas Act in 2008 and it came into force from October 2, 2009 but after about five years it is not enforced properly.

In 2009 it was promised to connect every village to a broadband network within three years and 2014 manifesto says we “will connect all 2.5 lakh Gram Panchayats with high-speed broadband connectivity within 18 months.”

In 2009 it was said that rural electrification and reduction in distribution losses will be given the highest priority and in 2014 it is promised to ensure passage of the Electronic Delivery of Service Bill, 2011, and work towards effectively delivering all public services like passports, ration cards and driving licenses, electronically.

Corruption is one of the hottest topics since 2011. The whole Anna Hazare movement and Aam Aadmi Party emerged after several scams were exposed.

In 2004 it was promised by the Congress that it’ll tackle the root causes of corruption and the generation of black money. It was not mentioned in 2009 manifesto and after coming out of several scams an anti-corruption law was passed but there are several doubts and questions on its effectiveness still arise.

In 2014 manifesto it is promised to pass the Right of Citizens for Time Bound Delivery of Goods and Services and Redressal of their Grievances Bill, 201, to appoint a Special Envoy to to track down and recover black money, to pass the Prevention of Bribery of Foreign Public Officials and Officials of Public International Organizations Bill, 201, to enact the Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Bill and to enact the Public Procurement Bill, 2012.

Judicial and police Reform
In 2004 it was promised to take immediate measures to cut delay in court proceedings particularly in the High Courts and in lower levels of the judiciary.

In 2009 it was accepted in the manifesto that delays in High Courts and district courts are still unacceptably high. The 2009 manifesto said.

“The Indian National Congress has always been of the view that justice delayed is justice denied and will therefore pursue judicial reforms to ensure timely completion of the hearing and disposal of cases.”

And 2014 manifesto says that a “strategy for disposing of long pending cases will be developed.”

In this manifesto it is also promised to set up a New Judicial Commission.

In 2004 and 2009 the Congress had promised police reform.

The 2004 manifesto reads.
The police force will function in an impartial, professional, effective and humane manner. The special needs of police families, especially in education and housing, will be taken care of in adequate measure.”

The 2009 manifesto says;
“We will accelerate the process of police reforms The Indian National Congress recognizes the imperative of police reforms. A clear distinction between the political executive and police administration will be made. The police force will be better provisioned especially in the matter of housing and education facilities; the police force will be made more representative of the diversity our population; and police recruitment will be made more effective and training professionalized to confront new and emerging threats. Accountability of the police force will be institutionalized.”

But even no step was taken by the Congress towards police reform in last 10 years, the 2014 manifesto has no mention of police reform at all..

In 2009 it was promised to set up a National Commission for Heritage Sites but it didn’t happen and even it is not mentioned in the latest manifesto.

Similarly, in 2004 it was promised to set up a National Commission on Education but there is no word on it in 2014.

In 2004 manifesto it was mentioned by the Congress that “within 100 days of receiving the mandate of the people of our country, the Congress will release a detailed action plan with milestones for governance based largely on the promises and commitments made in this manifesto” and it did when 100 days completed but 2009 and 2014 manifestos went silent on this.

This all shows that political parties just befool the people. They eye only power, for that if they need to promise moon they do without thinking if they ever keep this promise.

Follow the writer on Twitter: @Journo_Z


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